A Small Sample of What’s Inside this BIG Book: Chapters
Thinking BIG About Little Creatures: Worms Studying worms introduces children to the process of
inquiry – how to observe, form questions, then try to
find out answers. Do worms prefer light or dark locations? |
Thinking BIG About Little Creatures: Spiders Making a giant spider web and an oversized spider strengthens observation skills and helps children overcome their fears of these tiny animals. |
Thinking BIG About Growing BIG: Seeds Sprouting seeds give children a chance to observe growth relatively quickly. Popping popcorn to see where it will land makes learning about seeds exciting.
Thinking BIG About Rain: Drip, Drop, Downpour Turn children’s love of water into engaging explorations of what is waterproof and how rain gutters work. |
Thinking BIG About Light, Colors and Rainbows Creating a rainbow with a garden hose helps bring those wonderful colors in the sky down to children’s level. |
Thinking BIG About Wind: Huffing, Puffing, Blowing Powerful winds can be frightening. Experimenting with blowing
through straws, waving cardboard fans or using a hair dryer
lets children be in control.
Thinking BIG About Ice: Brrr! It’s Cold Ice activities help children explore freezing, melting,
solids and liquids, as well as thermometers. |
Thinking BIG About Outer Space: Astronauts and the Moon Channel children's passion for superhero play into science, math and language arts activities by blasting off in a spaceship and landing on the moon. |
Thinking BIG About Building: How BIG Can We Build Studying construction expands the learning in the block area. Explore stability by making skyscrapers from egg cartons.
Thinking BIG About Traveling: Roads, Ramps, Bridges, and Tunnels Practice problem solving and experimenting: How can my toy car get over this river? What will happen if I raise the ramp by adding more blocks? |
Thinking BIG About Ideas: Inventions Introduce children to the power of imagination and brainstorming, as well as putting "junk" to good use. Experiencing the invention process encourages children to think of BIG possibilities. |